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Ambient Intelligence:Sensor Network Group

Ambient intelligence is intelligence which has been integrated into the environment, and comprises the environmental interface and the user interface, the latter of which provides services to users. The Sensor Network Group will focus on the interface with the environment, and look at the composition, construction, management and operation of the sensors used to recognize environmental conditions and the events which occur with them.

Researchers of NAIST

- Kazutoshi Fujikawa (Professor: Internet Architecture and Systems Lab.)
- Norihiro Hagita (Professor: Ambient Intelligence Lab.)
- Masayuki Kanbara (Associate Professor: Ambient Intelligence Lab.)


- Thierry Ernst Ph.D. (INRIA:Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique )

Visiting Researchers

- Satoru Noguchi (Ph.D candidates: Internet Architecture and Systems Lab.) 2011.07.28-2012.03.31
- Masatoshi Kakiuchi (Assistant Professor: Internet Architecture and Systems Lab.) 2011.11.21-2012.10.31
- Satoshi Matsuura (Associate Professor: Internet Architecture and Systems Lab.) 2012.04.01-2013.3.31

Research Reports

Research report of Noguchi Satoru Noguchi: [PDF]
Service discovery is an essential component for distributed mobile applications in vehicular communication systems. While there have been numerous service discovery protocols, applications for vehicular communication systems pose additional requirements: discover services according to geographical position inside dynamic mobile environments. In this article, we propose a geographical location aware service discovery mechanism for vehicular ad-hoc networks. The proposed mechanism exploits an IPv6 multicast service discovery protocol on IPv6 GeoNet- working specified by the GeoNet project. Thanks to the GeoBroadcast mechanism, it efficiently propagates service discovery messages to a subset of nodes inside a relevant geographical area with encapsulating IPv6 multicast packets. We implemented the proposed mechanism to the ns-3 network simulator, furthermore we integrated the prototype system using CarGeo6, an open source implementation of IPv6 GeoNetworking, with openSLP. Our simulation and real field evaluation results show the system can discover services with low latency and low bandwidth usage.

Research report of Kakiuchi Masatoshi Kakiuchi: [PDF]
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are systems deployed to optimize the road traffic and realize safe, efficient and comfortable human mobility. Cooperative ITS is a new vision of ITS where vehicles, the road- side infrastructure, traffic control centers, road users, road authorities, road operators, etc. exchange and share information based on a common communication architecture ― known as the ITS station reference architecture ― supporting all types of ITS use cases over a diversity of access technologies (11p, 11n, 3G/4G, infra-red, ...). The building blocks of the ITS station are specified within ISO, ETSI, IETF and IEEE. To promote the deployment of Cooperative ITS and to encourage further research on it, we introduce an open-source software combining IPv6 and GeoNetworking which are two essential building blocks of the ITS station. It comprises the GeoNetworking protocol, the GN6 adaptation sub-layer (GN6ASL) and the test tools of Basic Transport Protocol (BTP). We implemented each module separately to facilitate the analysis and modification of the protocol behavior and provided a library for inter-process communication between the modules to allow extensibility. Our participation to Cooperative ITS plug tests organized by ETSI demonstrates that our implementation complies to the Cooperative ITS standards while a basic performance evaluation shows that overhead from our implementation design is limited.

Research report of Matsuura Satoshi Matsuura: [PDF]
There are some issues on performance evaluations of vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET). Lots of ex- periments, which were related with physical layer (L1) and MAC layer (L2), were carried out. On the contrary, performance evaluations of multi-hop communication were not enough to show its features. The reason is lack of measurement tools, and ordinary these tools measure end-to-end performances. Performances of multi-hop communication is important because this kind of communication is assumed on VANET. To reveal the features of communication performances on VANET, IMARA project has developed a measurement tool called ’AnaVANET’. In this paper, I introduce ’AnaVANET’ and show its problems. I propose a new data formant considering the features of VANET to solve the problems of ’AnaVANET’. I also show the implementation of the proposed formant. The implementation reduces cost of communication analysis.


Journal (Peer-Reviewed)
  1. Satoru Noguchi, Manabu Tsukada, Thierry Ernst, Atsuo Inomata, Kazutoshi Fujikawa: Design and field evaluation of geographical location-aware serivce discovery on IPv6 GeoNetworking for VANET, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol.2012:29, (2012)

International conference (Peer-Reviewed)
  1. Tatsuya Fukui, Satoshi Matsuura, Atsuo Inomata, Kazutoshi Fujikawa: "A Two-tier Overlay Publish/ Subscribe System for Sensor Data Stream Using Geographic Based Load Balancing", SMPE 2013, Mar, 2013.
  2. Satoru Noguchi, Satoshi Matsuura and Kazutoshi Fujikawa: Performance analysis of mobile Publish- Subscribe service discovery on IPv6 over GeoNetworking, The Third International Workshop on Mobility Modeling and Performance Evaluation (MoMoPE 2012), Jul, 2012.
  3. Ryota Miyagi, Satoshi Matsuura, Satoru Noguchi, Atsuo Inomata, Kazutoshi Fujikawa: A Divide and Merge Method for Sensor Data Processing on Large-Scale Publish/Subscribe Systems. SAINT 2012, pages 424-429, Jul, 2012.
  4. Satoru Noguchi, Manabu Tsukada, Thierry Ernst, Atsuo Inomata, Kazutoshi Fujikawa: Location-aware service discovery on IPv6 GeoNetworking for VANET, 11th International Conference on ITS Telecommu- nications (ITST2011), pp.1-6, (2011)
  5. Satoru Noguchi, Manabu Tsukada, Ines Ben Jemaa, Thierry Ernst: Real-vehicle integration of driver support application with IPv6 GeoNetworking, Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring) 2011 IEEE 73rd,pp.1-5, (2011)

Domestic (Japanese) conference
  1. Kenta Mori, Oyunchimeg Shagdar, Satoshi Matsuura, Manabu Tsukada, Thierry Ernst, Kazutoshi Fujikawa: "Experimental Study on Channel Congestion using IEEE 802.11p Communication System", 情報処理学会 モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信研究会 第65回研究発表会, Mar, 2013.
  2. 福井達也, 野口悟, 松浦知史, 猪俣敦夫, 藤川和利: "処理分割機構を備えたセンサネットワークのための Publish/Subscribeシステムの配送トポロジ構築とオペレータ配置に関する調査", マルチメディア,分散, 協調とモバイル (DICOMO2012) シンポジウム予稿集,No.4A-4, Jul, 2012.

  1. FP7 STREP N 216269 European Project GeoNet - Geographic addressing and routing for vehicular communications - Deliverable D7.1 v1.0: GeoNet Experimentation Results