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Ambient Intelligence: Interaction Group

The Interaction Group will examine the interface with the user, and include studies on such topics as interactive methods of user interface, interface device technology, and media interface technology.

Researchers of NAIST

- Tsukasa Ogasawara (Professor: Robotics Lab.)
- Hirokazu Kato(Professor: Interactive Media Design Lab.)


- Petri Pulli (Professor: University of Oulu)

Visiting Researchers

- Sei Ikeda (Assistant Professor: Interactive Media Design Lab.) 2010.12-2011.12
- Yuki Uranishi (Assistant Professor: Interactive Media Design Lab.) 2011.06.28-2012.06.28
- Goshiro Yamamoto (Assistant Professor: Interactive Media Design Lab.) 2012.03.21-2013.02.23

Research Reports

Marker projection Sei Ikeda: [PDF]
This paper describes a novel remote assistance system developed by my research group as one of the contributions of my research activity in Strategic Young Research Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation. In this system, an instructor being in a remote site provide instructions with voice and visual markers to an operator on procedures. The instructor can observe the workspace through camera images and show object positions to the operator with a projector marker. In contrast to the traditional studies treating with simplified transparent and reflective objects. The system measures surface shapes and reflection properties by using the camera and projector in advance, then utilizes the extracted projectable regions for efficient instruction with marker. The experiments demonstrate that the efficiency of perception of markers can increase by projecting them only on the projectable areas in an environment where are reflective and transparent objects.

Grid projection Yuki Uranishi: [PDF]
This report outlines results during a visit to University of Oulu, Finland, funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). I have proposed two methods for an interaction with senior citizens and supporting systems: One is Re-PITASu (Rangeimage-Projector Interaction Tool for Arbitrary Surfaces) and the other is grid-based work indication for senior citizens. I have proposed a calibration method between a camera, a range image sensor and a projector to implement the systems. Two papers about Re-PITASu have been published in international conferences. Furthermore, I am planning to publish these final results in a journal.

Marker projection Goshiro Yamamoto: [PDF]
This paper presents a tele-guidance system for elderly people so that they can walk outdoors without an escort and their caregivers can monitor them or guide them from remote site when they are in a need of help. The feature point of the proposed system is to adopt laser projection with consideration for use outdoor. Because the laser projection shows the arrow, which indicates a direction, all a user needs to do is to follow it intuitively. The goal of this study is to realise a tele-guidance system, which provides easy understanding for elderly users with mild dementia, with laser projection. The whole system including this proposed system aims to make preparations for a super-graying society by connecting elderly people and caregivers effectively via ubiquitous network. As a first step, a prototype system was developed and a user test was conducted with elderly participants. In the result, some technical problems and visibility problems on the projected arrow were found.


International conference (Peer-Reviewed)
  1. Yuki Uranishi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Zeeshan Asghar, Petri Pulli, and Hirokazu Kato, "Work Step Indication with Grid-pattern Projection for Demented Senior People", The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. *-*, Osaka, 3-7th July 2013. (Accepted)
  2. Jari Tervonen, Muhammad zeeshan Asghar, Goshiro Yamamoto, and Petri Pulli, gA Navigation Aid for People Suffering from Dementia Using a Body Worn Laser Deviceh, In Proceedings of The 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), pp. 179-183, Tokyo, 6-8th March 2013.
  3. Goshiro Yamamoto, Angie Chen, Petri Pulli, Jaakko Hyry, Muhammad zeeshan Asghar, Yuki Uranishi, and Hirokazu Kato, gA Laser Projection-based Tele-guidance System Embedded on a Mobility Aidh, In Proceed- ings of The 7th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT), pp. 140-144, Tokyo, 6-8th March 2013.
  4. Goshiro Yamamoto, Yuki Uranishi and Hirokazu Kato, "Interaction in Augmented Reality using Non-rigid Surface Detection with a Range Sensor", Proceedings of Joint Virtual Reality Conference 2012 Poster and Industrial Track (Poster), pp. 15-16, October 2012.
  5. Yuki Uranishi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hirokazu Kato and Petri Pulli, gRe-PITASu Concept: Touch-Based Interaction Using Range Image Sensor with Image Projected onto Wall Surfaceh, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (Poster), p.141, Osaka, Japan, November 2011.
  6. Goshiro Yamamoto, Ichiroh Kanaya, Keiko Yamamoto, Yuki Uranishi, Hirokazu Kato, gVisualization of Geometric Properties of Flexible Objects for Form Designingh, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (Poster), pp.277-278, Basel, Switzerland, October 2011.
  7. Yuki Uranishi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Hirokazu Kato, Petri Pulli: "Interaction: Re-PITASu Concept in Mixed Reality: Rangeimage-Projector-based Visualization Tool for Arbitrary Surfaces", The 10th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Workshop: Visualization in Mixed Reality Environment, Basel, Switzerland, October 2011.
  8. Sei Ikeda, Jaakko Hyry, Antti Pitkanen, Zeeshan Asghar, Petri Pulli and Hirokazu Kato: "Remote Assistance Using Visual Prompts for Demented Elderly in Cooking," Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL2011), pp. 1-5, 2011/10/28.

Domestic (Japanese) conference
  1. Yuki Uranishi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Zeeshan Asghar, Petri Pulli, Hirokazu Kato, gIndication based on Grid Projection for Supporting Kitchen Workh, ¶‘̈ãHŠwƒVƒ“ƒ|ƒWƒEƒ€ 2012 u‰‰—\eW, p. 582, ‘åã, September 2012.

  1. Goshiro Yamamoto, gPiTaSu - Universal touch interfaceh, Multidisiplinary Dialogue - First Joint Summer School 2012 (Keynote), Rovaniemi, 27th August 2012.