Hello, I am Taisei Watanabe, M1 student in IMD-lab.
I had been to University of Oulu as an internship student for 1 month from 5th Feb. to 28th Feb. I also join the sprint-project team same as Ayaka. And, my work was estimation of human 3D-joints and calculation of sprint information (pitch and stride).
Left picture is taken in Oulu Airport. When I arrived in oulu, actually I forgot to bring my coat. So, I felt super cold wind there. Otherwise, when I arrived in my room in an apartment, I was surprised that the room is so warmer even compare to my room in Nara. Warm water heating is super gread!

University of Oulu
Right picture is outside view of university of oulu. I think the amount of snow is less than Jan. So, I was more lucky than Ayaka about the coldness. But there was another problem. If the temperature is higher than 0 degree, of course the snow melt. And then, If the temperature will be lower than 0 degree again, ICE will be made on roads. The ice was so dangerous, I heard from many people who got pain from the ice. So, if you want to go to Finland, please be careful about the ice!
Other, there is a bronze statue of police in the center of oulu-city. Above picture is that one. This monument is quite well known in oulu-sity. But one problem is around the statue is surrounded ice. I don’t know the reason, people is not in around there when I came.
Anyway, the days in oulu was so interesting. That’s why, there ware many great restaurant in the university, and there was many friendly people. So I could concentrate in my research activity. Thank you for all!